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Christmas Jumper Raceday – Carlisle Racecourse Bucket Collection

15th December 2024 @ 10:30 - 16:30

Raceday bucket collections are an excellent day to make connections with members of the public and have face to face conversations about the work of the charity.

On a raceday bucket collection volunteers are kindly asked to head to the William Hill gate meeting point where a member of the fundraising team will provide you with a collection tin, and a Hospice at Home sash or t-shirt, you will then be asked to head out to stand at one of the turnstiles with the bucket and collect any donation that supporters wish to donate.

At the end of allotted time you are asked to return your tin to the central location where a member of the fundraising team will be there to thank you and safely store the tin.

You are then free to enjoy the rest of the raceday, if you there for the whole raceday you will collect your bucket again at a pre-determined time and head back to the turnstiles until the gates close, you are asked to return your tin to the central location where a member of the fundraising team will be there to thank you and safely return the tin to the office.


Contact us about Volunteering

If you are interested in this volunteering opportunity, please contact us on 01228 475025 or email James on info@hospiceathome.co.uk

If you are new to volunteering for Hospice at Home, please complete our volunteer initial interest form below. We will then send out a volunteer pack.

Volunteer Initial Interest Form


15th December 2024
10:30 - 16:30
Event Category:


Hospice at Home Carlisle and North Lakeland
01228 475025

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