About Us
Established in 1997, Hospice at Home Carlisle and North Lakeland, (Hospice at Home) is a registered charity providing high quality, palliative care and support to patients, family members and carers affected by life limiting illness.

01228 608942
Hospice at Home’s core and largest service is its nursing team which consists of Registered Nurses and Healthcare Assistants who are skilled in providing nursing care and support in the last year of life and at the end of life.
Hospice at Home also has additional clinical services. Care and support may be provided by one or a combination of the services so that a person’s needs may be more fully met. Services are free of charge to those who need them.
Care and support is individualised and aims to improve quality of life, facilitate a peaceful and dignified death and to support those who are bereaved. Hospice at Home’s clinicians work closely with other health, social care and voluntary organisations who may also be involved in a person’s care.
Hospice at Home’s clinical service area covers a mixture of urban and rural communities, a region of approximately 1, 500 square miles throughout North and East Cumbria.
Hospice at Home will positively influence a future in which everyone within our community facing life limiting illness, regardless of cause, receives the best possible palliative and end of life care and their families and carers receive the support they need.
To enhance quality of life for adults, their families and carers in our area, through skilled and compassionate care and support at home and in their community.

Nursing Care
Hospice at Home’s nursing service provides high quality, personalised nursing care for adults aged eighteen years and over who have a life limiting illness.

Complementary Therapy
Complementary therapies are offered by a team of experienced therapists. Therapies can be used alongside medical treatments.

Lymphoedema is a condition which causes chronic swelling, usually of the arm or leg. Lymphoedema treatments aim to reduce swelling, promoting comfort and independence.

Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapists incorporate activity into treatment programmes designed to promote productivity and independence.

Family Support
Following the diagnosis of a life-limiting illness or following bereavement, the Family Support service provides an opportunity for exploration of feelings in a safe and supported way.

Befriending Service
Trained Befriending Volunteers work with people to reduce isolation and loneliness and to promote confidence and independence.
All of our Care is provided free of charge to patients, families and carers.
However, the costs to the charity are:
Would pay for one hour of Complementary Therapy for a patient, family member or carer.
Would pay for one hour of Counselling for a patient, family member or carer from our Family Support Team.
Would pay for three hours of Respite Care to enable families or carers to take a break.
Would enable a Health Care Assistant to provide a night of support to a patient in their home.
Would enable a Registered Nurse to provide a night of support to a patient in their home.
How to make a referral
Referrals to the service are usually made by G.P.’s and other healthcare professionals.
However, some services accept referrals directly from patients, family members and carers.
For specific details, please see individual service pages above.
If you would like to discuss a potential referral with a member of the team,
please contact the clinical team office on 01228 608942 where someone will be available to help you.