Hospice at Home Nursing Care

Hospice at Home’s nursing service provides high quality, individualised nursing care for adults aged eighteen years and over who have a life limiting illness, who express the wish to be cared for and/or die at home.

All care is provided by Registered Nurses and Healthcare Assistants with specific training in end of life care.

Hospice at Home Nurse
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Who can refer to the Nursing Team?

With the patient’s consent, referrals to the service can be made by:

  • Any health or social care professional
  • Family member, carer, friend or neighbour
  • Patients may also self refer

When an individual is referred to the nursing service a member of the nursing team will visit them to introduce the service. In situations where this is not practical, a member of the team will contact the patient or family member/carer to agree a plan of care.

What type of care does the Nursing Team provide?

We will support you and your family through home visits, telephone support and by working closely with your GP, Community Nurse, Specialist Nurse and other health and social care professionals.

Nursing care can be provided over a period of hours, days, weeks or months and is based upon individual need, it may include:

  • Personal care
  • Symptom management
  • Support for family carers
  • Periods of respite care during the day or overnight or a combination of the two, to enable family members and carers to have time to themselves.
  • Referrals to other Hospice at Home services such as Occupational Therapy, Complementary Therapy, Lymphoedema Service, Bereavement and Family Support Team


Hospice at Home nursing care complements the care provided by other services and is not a replacement for it. Whilst Hospice at Home always attempts to provide as much care as possible, there may be occasions when it is not entirely possible to provide all that is desired. In these instances, patients and family members/carers are informed of this as early as possible.

Patient Coordinator

How can you get in touch with the Nursing Team?

If you would like to discuss a potential referral with a member of the team, or would like any further advice about this service please contact the clinical team where someone will be available to help you.

Our Clinical team can be contacted Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on

01228 608942

Urgent Referrals can also be made out of office hours by contacting the on call manager on 07901 854507. The on call service operates during the evenings and at weekends every day of the year. Weekend care is planned in advance, however, any changes regarding existing packages of care and staff working arrangements can also be addressed via the on call manager.

Have you received care from our Nursing service?

To enable us to evaluate the Nursing service, we would be grateful if you could complete the questionnaire below.