Could you give a gift this Christmas?
By donating today you would be helping to make every moment count this Christmas.
Your generous gift of:
Donate £24 to pay for a 1 hour treatment of complementary therapy for a patient, family member or carer.
£50 could help our patients relax by supplying oils and towels for complementary therapy treatments.
Donate £169 so a Health Care Assistant can provide a night of support to a patient, allowing carers a night sleep.
Donate £241 so a Registered Nurse can provide a night of specialised care for the patient at the end of life.
Donate today
By donating today you will help ensure that local patients receive care in their own home whilst also support their family and carers.
Other ways you can support this Christmas....
Give your time and Volunteer
Hospice at Home have a team of dedicated volunteers from all walks of life, they give their time and expertise to help us support local people who are facing difficult and often devastating times.
Give a Gift from our Amazon Wishlist
Please help us by purchasing equipment, stationary and necessary items for our staff, patients, families and carers through our Amazon Wish List.
As a Charity we rely on the kindness and generosity of our local community. Although we receive some funding from the NHS, we need to raise over 80% of our running costs in order to ensure that this vital help is available when needed and remains free of charge to patients and their families.
Thank you for enabling us to provide 'Local Care for Local People' this Christmas.