Gifts in Wills (Legacy Giving)
On this page you will find all the information you will need to make a lasting legacy in your Will with Hospice at Home Carlisle and North Lakeland.
Leaving a gift in your Will can help ensure the continuation of our essential service within our community. Every gift we receive is treated with the upmost respect and we are humbled that we are entrusted with their legacy.
Your generous gift, however big or small, will make a difference tomorrow.
If you would like more information please call our Fundraising Team on
01228 475025

How will leaving a gift in my will help my community?
Gifts in Wills are vital for the future of Hospice at Home. They allow us to plan for the future, improve our service and reach out to more people that could benefit from Hospice at Home.
Our mission is to enhance quality of life for adults, their families and carers in our area, through skilled and compassionate care and support at home and in their community and with a legacy gift in your Will, you can help us to achieve that.
Sally Nelson, one of our volunteers, tells us why she has decided to leave a legacy after providing at home care for her mother…
'At the time we had very little help, we kept her at home and 6 months later she died in her own bed with us and her beloved dog with her. Sad though it was, I felt happy for her and there is no doubt that dying peacefully at home helped the bereavement process for us. I think everyone should have this option - that’s why in the late 1990’s I joined Hospice at Home and am going to leave a gift in my will to help others benefit from this wonderful service.'
Frequently Asked Questions
What do I need to give my solicitor?
- Name of our charity - Hospice at Home Carlisle and North Lakeland
- Registered Charity Number - 1095708
- Download our handy Estate Checklist. Once filled out, this will help you discuss your Will with you solicitor or Will writer.
- You can pledge any sum of money or a small percentage in your Will - even a gift of 1% can make a real difference.
Why should I make or amend a Will?
There is no legal requirement to make a Will, but having a Will in place means that your wishes will be carried out. A Will can protect your loved ones for the future.
Making a Will is an important document and should be updated at all major life events for example; buying a home, adopting or having a child, lifestyle change, a relationship change.
What should my Will tell people?
- Who should be your Executor (typically a friend or family members, but this could be a solicitor). The Executor is the person you trust to carry out your wishes that are documented in the Will.
- How your estate (money, property and possession) should be distributed.
What is a Legacy?
A gift in a Will is often known as a Legacy.
Get in Touch
We understand that the details of your Will are a personal matter. However, if you would like to let us know that you have already made a gift to Hospice at Home in your Will, we would really like to thank you personally and invite you to be kept informed about our work and any relevant events.